Low Code | Automation and Digitization

Auftraggeber | ClientBawagLeistungen | ServicesAutomation and DigitizationZeitraum | PeriodOngoing

Results | Automation and digitization of existing processes

Focus | Development of business apps and dashboards for decision-supporting processing of large amounts of data

The project aims to create customized business apps that can be utilized by different departments for various purposes. In the future, the Power Platform will replace existing software solutions. An increase in efficiency, productivity, and data quality will be ensured as a result. Manual and tedious processes are simplified and digitized by business apps and automated flows.

The vast amount of data that is generated is visualized using dashboards and presented to decision-makers in a clear and concise manner. The synergy effects resulting from the interaction of the apps, flows, and dashboards should ensure faster and more secure processes on one hand, and prompt and well-informed decisions on the other.

Unsere Leistungen

⸺ Controlling

Visuell aufbereitet entscheidungsunterstützende Unternehmens- und Projektinformationen und automatisierte Reports die Ihren Arbeitsalltag erleichtern.

⸺ Business Intelligence

Unser Mix aus Controlling, BWL und IT-Fachwissen bildet ein starkes Fundament und unterstützt Sie in allen strategischen und unternehmerischen Belangen.

⸺ Product Photography

Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment everyday routines.

⸺ Event Displays

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy.

⸺ Competitor Analysis

Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment everyday routines.